Sunday, 14 September 2014

Fudge Flavors

I love fudge- but until this August I have only ever heard of the regular and chocolate flavours. Never before had I tried any other flavour, and I suppose you can imagine the look on my face when I, a fudge lover, saw newer flavours that I have never seen before.
Of course, not all fudge flavours are created equal and I have discover that whilst some of those fudge flavours truly are amazing, others would be better off making their way into other recipes that are not fudge.
Without further ado, here is my review of my top fudge flavours and those that don't really taste as good. Let's go!

Good Fudge Flavours
Way to go. The way those heavenly combinations of flavour simply melt in the mouth is truly amazing, like a culinary work of art. Literally.

Nut-  Nut is a great flavour. Of course, the taste of regular fudge dominates it but the subtle nutty flavour is a great addition. It's not too strong, but not too gentle, either, so you get just the right hint of nut in there. 

Vanilla- Well, I don't really know what to say about vanilla. It tastes just like regular fudge, but maybe even better. Why? It seems like vanilla is just made for fudge. Gee, I think vanilla should become a part of regular fudge. Vanilla fudge tastes amazing, and even though sometimes you cannot differentiate between vanilla and regular, I still love the taste.

Chocolate- Tastes like chocolate, but not so much that the fudge flavour is totally lost. It's a really balanced combination and tastes great whenever I want some chocolate. Chocolate lovers won't be disappointed, honest.

Coffee- Tastes as good as it smells. Fudge and coffee do make a great combination, and you can detect the slightly strong coffee flavour very well. However, it's not so strong that it makes you sick or want to spit the fudge out. Excellent for coffee lovers especially.

Regular- Of course, there's something about regular fudge that got me hooked. It's not just the sweetness, it's something about that unique flavour that makes fudge wonderful.

Bad Fudge Flavours
Yes. I love fudge. But I probably wouldn't eat those flavours because they just don't belong with fudge. Of course, you might love those flavours, and if you do- keep loving! It's just a matter of opinion and opinion≠fact.

Apple Cinnamon- It could be because of my recent random nauseous feelings after eating apple cake and now feeling slightly wary towards the Apple Cinnamon combination, but fudge, apples and cinnamon do not mix. Nope. I felt a bit strange after eating the fudge, but washed it down with a regular fudge.

Cinnamon- It's not just Apple Cinnamon, I'm not a fan of the cinnamon fudge combination either. It doesn't taste very good. Cinnamon belongs more in apple crumble and certain cereals!

Coconut- I don't hate the flavour, but I don't think it qualifies to be on the good fudge flavours either. Coconut isn't made for fudge, and the coconut flavour is also too subtle. 

Chocolate Mint- I like chocolate mint. So I thought I would like chocolate mint fudge, too. I was totally wrong. The fudge tastes a bit bitter and the chocolate flavour is totally lost in the mint. I felt a bit sick after eating this fudge. Darn :(

Which fudge flavours do you love, if any? Which don't you like?


  1. Fun fact: I don't have fudge by where I live.

    1. :OOOOOOOO
      -throws 500kg of fudge to rainbow-
      Now you do!

    2. Tried it once, but I honestly think brownies taste better.

      Maybe I bought the wrong flavour?


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