London Buses

Alright, if I hold this off for any longer my blog just as well might be destined for quite a dull fate.
I live in London!
Yes, this rather famous city. Although it's rather... normal there, we do have some pretty funky buses. Not all buses are double-decker, sadly, such as the bus I have to take to school every day (how unfortunate). Although, I can take a double-decker bus if I change... which I sometimes need to do. (Yes, I'm looking at you bus that decided it was funny to just run away -_-)

I'm going to admit, I like buses! :D I like looking at routes I have never seen before, and you can just imagine how glad I was to ride the no.45 for the first time.
So, my dad has encouraged me to perhaps involve this with my blog, which I will do! I am going to try taking as many photos as possible of buses (some of them taken by my dad!) and posting them on to here, I hope it's informative!

Of course, sometimes I make individual blog posts about buses but this is all my bus photos in one page. Convenient, huh? ^-^
London Buses by Number!

Here's the front of the bus, this photo was taken by my dad. I still wonder what the red bus in the mirror was... anyway, the 38 is a bus that passes loads of famous attractions in London, and trust me, it's not every day you see a black bus in London shaped like that!

The back of the 38, also taken by my dad. Most London buses are red and don't have open doors like that at the back, so the 38 is quite a weirdo XD 

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