Saturday, 2 May 2015

2 sets of characters

Fairy of Nature at age 17
Just made some random characters the other day! ~

~Set 1- Element Girls~
4 girls that can transform into extraordinary beings with powers of the elements. Here they are!

The first three: Those three are between 11-14 years old and go to the same school. They were the first to be introduced.

~Diamond, Power of Wind
She's 12, best friends with Emerald and has pink hair that reaches her neck, with matching pink eyes that are large with a distinct sparkle. When she transforms, her eyes turn grey, and her hair lengthens and changes to a shimmering white.She also becomes noticeably paler.The tips of her arms and legs have a white wash that fades higher up the limbs.As she is embraced by the wind, her outfit becomes a shimmering silver dress, entwined with diamonds, true to her name. She gains a soft pair of wings that she can use to fly, and can generate gusts of wind, tornadoes and even solid rainbows.
Special Ability: Can become an angel (every girl's special ability only becomes available once she finds her corresponding element gem, once the special ability is active she can transform into an extremely powerful version of herself!) Her wings are hidden and can expand at will.

Her hair has much more volume, but the maker I used to make this character doesn't have hairstyles with the volume I intended :c

~Emerald,Power of Earth/Nature
She's 13, and Diamond's Best Friend. She has a very cheery and outgoing personality, which is reflected in her fashion sense, too. She is slightly darker than Diamond, and has large, green eyes, with matching bright green hair which is tied in two long ponytails that curl towards the end. When she transforms, her skin further darkens, her eyes become a more vivid green, her hair shortens and turns darker in colour. As she becomes entwined by a vine, long blades of grass come together around her torso to form a top, and large leaves form a skirt for her.Ivy then entwines her legs, and a garland of leaves is draped around her shoulders.Finally, twigs curl around her left arm and her transformation is complete! Emerald can cause any plant to appear at will, which is found to be extremely useful, especially when the four girls are trapped in a forest in a mysterious town.She can also command the earth and rocks. 
Special Ability: Can transform into the extremely powerful Fairy of Nature

Fairy of Nature at age 14.

Sapphire- Power of the Ocean/Water
The more antisocial member of the group, Sapphire, 14, met the two others when they were in danger, and saved them both by unexpectedly showing her powers. She has long, shiny and straight blue hair, paired with matching eyes. She is intelligent and showed a 'big sister' role before Amber came along, however Sapphire and Amber both paired up to retain that role and take care of the others.Once she transforms, she retains her pale skin, her hair becomes wavy (after being washed over by an ocean wave) and her eyes become more vivid. Her hair also changes colour- it starts out dark blue, gradually fading to a gentle blue.She wears a floaty, light top, and her dress appears to be made of water at the bottom. She is capable of creating water, and can also cause tsunamis, waves, and can change the temperature of water.  She is a very talented swimmer.
Special Ability: Can transform into a mermaid


Amber- Power of Flames
Aged 16, Amber goes to a different school, but it's nearby. Their meeting scenario was similar to that of Sapphire's. Amber and Sapphire tend to be the 'big sisters' of the group. Amber has small,brown, mysterious eyes, vivid red hair tied in short, puffy ponytails with navy ribbons and tanned skin. When she transforms, she looks more stunning than ever. Her hair curls, being black at the tips and then transitioning to red. During her transformation, she is surrounded by flames as a short black dress forms on her body, then flames burn the end of her skirt and then come together to create an elaborate pattern on the top part of her dress. She also has curly, red markings on her body, also formed by flames. She can create fire, and smoke.
Special Ability: Can become the extremely powerful Queen of Flames.

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