Hello! ~(•⦿3⦿•)~
This is a page dedicated to keeping track of stuff I want... hence the name wishlist. Some of those items are pretty much useful, while others are things I would like to have. Sometimes, this is divided into categories (i.e; christmas,birthday, etc.)
So... if you would like to check on things I want be sure to look at this page! It's quite useful for me,too...
***Please support my wishlist by being a customer of my new business, RainbowPanda Gifts***
Wishlist June 2015
*DSi Games- Magician's Quest Mysterious Times (Enchanted Folk),Warioware DIY... MAYBE MySims and Sims Urbz because why not hmm. There are too many awesome DS games -___- *Maybe? I don't know if I want them that much; sure, it would be nice to have them, but I'm not after them that much*
*More polymer clay- I'm running out!
✴A new P.E bag! *o* My old one is too small and carrying two bags around with me is anything but convenient >.< I don't mind really, but I prefer plain ones because if I want to decorate it, I can do it however I want! The ones with huge sport company logos can go in the trashcan (\(^D^)(\
*A Harajuku Wig ^^ (I found it on eBay, just need to buy it)
*Falsies (I ran out lol)
*A kawaii lolita-style dress! <3
*Sweet lolita shoes <3
There are also other things I'm always looking for, and even though my birthday is 4 months away,below is a list of things I want for my birthday (right now, anyway!). Some of those things I might be able to get before my birthday, but if I'm not able to get them then I'm going to buy them at another time if I still want them. So, without further ado, here's my birthday wishlist!... (●∵⟒∵●)
Birthday Wishlist
☛Craft set/s. Oh yes. I especially like cute ones, but what else can you expect from someone that is addicted to cute things? Whoever is going to get the craft set/s knows me well enough to choose what I would like, but if I find a specific craft set I would like it's going to be on here :3
☛A BUNDLE OF KAWAII STUFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In fact, I would like my parents to review which online stores they want to purchase from, then I'm going to add everything I would like to the cart/wishlist,so my parents can easily buy me part of my birthday gift! *O* ALL KAWAII STUFF. MINE. I would like to go to Central London on the weekend following my birthday to perhaps buy a few things from Chinatown (they have such cuteness over there!) and Artbox.
☛Art supplies and hobby stuff. So... this includes craft supplies like material bits, stickers, rubber bands,and all that stuff related to my hobbies :D
☛ A second copy of Animal Crossing: New Leaf.
☛A good manga! <3
Wow. Huge wishlist I've got there... but I was expecting that since I didn't want anything particular over my last couple of birthdays O_O
Anything I don't get- I will either buy it later with my money or request it for christmas if I still want it.
I never said I need EVERYTHING from there x3
I might also get some of the stuff before my birthday...
I might not want some things by the time October rolls around...
Though I can't picture myself not wanting any of those things! XD
So... yup, that's my wishlist.
How about you? What types of things do you like? What do you want for your next birthday? Or Christmas... if that's closer than your birthday. If your birthday was recent, what did ya get? I would be glad to hear! ^-^
Bye bye :D
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