''Wait up, Rose!''
''What? Oh, hey Daisy...''
''What's up? You look a little down today.''
Daisy caught up with her friend, Rose, and slowed her pace to walk alongside her. The two Angels were nearly one month into the school year, and the first day of October brought a distinct chill with it.
''I'm fine, just a little cold, I guess...'' replied Rose, avoiding Daisy's gaze.
Although Daisy wasn't completely convinced, she let the matter go and launched into usual conversation.
''You know what? I swear that Flame actually really likes cats. You see, she has a soft spot for them... and she seems so tough on the outside! Just show her a big-eyed kitty and she'll be bawling in no time...''
Daisy continued spewing gossip, while Rose absent-mindely nodded at random intervals. She was only half-listening, as she was so busy concentrating on the events of last night.
''...And Cherry was REALLY embarrassed. In fact, she was so red I swear she lived up to her name for once! Her personality isn't even a quarter of the sweetness of a TART cherry.''
Daisy shared more newly-learnt secrets and information with her friend, and it didn't take her long to figure out that Rose was hardly taking anything in. Rose was gazing ahead, barely moving her eyes at all, looking like she was in deep thought.
''Rose, do you remember that time when... Rose? Come on, you usually love it when I share gossip, I didn't gather it all for nothing...''
Rose quickened her pace and walked ahead of Daisy.
''Hey, Rose!'' she yelled, jogging to catch up with her.
''Can you just leave me alone?!'' said Rose, the anger in her voice now more prominent.
The day crawled by extremely slowly- minutes passed like hours. Daisy knew enough not to provoke Rose, for although Rose had a gentle attitude she was very sensitive during hard times. For the whole day, Daisy kept thinking about Rose, and what she could have possibly done to trigger her bad mood. It was only in the day's final lesson, that Rose and Daisy uttered another word to each other since the morning. It was the only lesson they had together that day, and when they spoke it revealed plenty.
''Hey, Daisy, hold on.'' said Rose, attracting her attention. ''Can we talk after school, please? And forgive me for this morning...'' she said, and then returned to her desk.The rest of the lesson passed considerably quicker and Daisy's spirits lifted at the thought of Rose's apology and whatever she had to tell her. What could it be?
When the bell went, Rose jumped in her seat, startled. Picking up her things, she hurried to leave the school as quickly as possible to find Daisy.
''Hey there, Rose!'' called Daisy, spotting her vivid pink hair above the crowd.
''Daisy... what I'm going to tell you is actually really serious... it stressed me out since last night and I could hardly sleep...'' Rose confessed, anxiously peering around her.
Here's today's question: What do you think Rose is about to tell Daisy?
Hopefully, you have enjoyed reading the first part of Hope For The Best. It is rather short, and I would like you to know that all future instalments of the story will vary in length depending on how much energy I have. There are also no set intervals for new additions to the story. Hopefully, however, future instalments will be longer than this one.
I hope you have liked this instalment, and hopefully you are looking forward to the next one!
Rose will be added to the Angels page now that she has been introduced to the story.
Daisy will be added to the Angels page now that she has been introduced to the story.
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