Monday, 4 August 2014

Art for you- Manga eyes, a person and random compilation no.1

Hello everyone!
First off, blog news;
*Now, your cursor creates beautiful rainbow sparkles every time you move it! Isn't it beautiful?
*My posts will now start featuring a wider range of symbols to help express myself, from 🍎 and 😱 to ☺!
*Can you see that? Don't tell me- yes, it's snow and I'm only testing it out right now. I am most likely going to remove it at some point and replace it with something summery, but don't worry- you can expect to see the snow again when Winter approaches! ♥
Well, I drew 3 pictures over the course of yesterday evening and today, so I'm going to share them with all of you in today's post!
I expect to post the adorable mini watermelon rubber band tutorial tomorrow, so stay tuned! 😊
Manga eyes- they come in so many different varieties and pictured above are just some of the ones I managed to come up with! The reason for this picture is that I have been using the same eye style for quite a long time now, so I decided to experiment with many different styles. They all came out much better than I expected them to!
On the other side of the page, I have decided to test out those eyes. Note this picture was quite rushed- I haven't even finished it yet! I probably won't, either 😅
The picture that was done yesterday evening...
Yes, all sorts of random stuff. A person, a pear, a patterned heart,water,rainbows... gee, even a bubblegum fish, green swan and a cat with wings! Please note this was my first attempt of drawing a cat like that, and I can do better than...well...that thing.
I guess that's all for today, but don't worry! I expect to post the tutorial tomorrow that will teach you to create a cute mini watermelon charm out of rubber bands, and later in the month you can look forward to summer snack suggestions, tips, art and so much more :D
Have a fantastic day everyone, and see you in tomorrow's post!
-Queen Pickle

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