Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Food Serving Sizes-Doritos,Oreos,Cereal,Soda and Prepared Mac&Cheese

Hello! ~(⦿⟒⦿)~
How much soda do you typically drink after buying a bottle? Every single millilitre of the 500 in there? What if you were told this is double the serving size defined by the manufacturer?
Oh yes, ridiculous food serving sizes. What a juicy topic!
As you read this post, I have picked out many popular foods and compared the serving size listed on the packaging to what an average person would typically eat in a single serving. However, don't slash your consumption of Doritos just because the serving size is that small; one of the reasons for tiny serving sizes is the fact more people are scrutinising labels and no company wants to lose customers through seemingly scary nutrition information. (OH NO! TOO MANY CARBS! -faints-)

It's all marketing, children.
Okay seriously, back to reality now. Sit comfortably kids...

What is it about Doritos that people love so much? I never liked them (mainly because I never even ate them in my whole life, and for some reason I just don't intend to).
What an average person would eat in a serving: Umm, the whole bag. Like, if you buy yourself a bag on the way home from work, what are you gonna do to the leftovers? O_O

An actual serving: Nope. The manufacturer disagrees. They expect you to stop once you reach 11 chips. Uhh...
Much more tiny than you thought it was.
Irony, please? The commercials show people wolfing down way more than 11 chips.
The average person would eat: Once you eat one, it's hard to stop,right? Well,I don't know, but the average person eats 6-20 Oreos in a serving. Yes. 20. T-W-E-N-T-Y. Some people are that amazing.
An actual serving: Nah, the company is going to spoil your fun by declaring a serving is THREE COOKIES. THREE. SERIOUSLY?
Admit it- this is about how many Oreos you eat in a serving

Ha, no. Because Nabisco are all 3 year old toddlers with stomachs too small for anything above 3 (sarcasm). Gee, I  bet even a 3 year old would be shocked if they saw this midget serving size!

Froot Loops and most other cereals
That's your alarm clock, waking you up for the first day of school after a long Summer off.
Exhausted, you trail out of bed; depressed, exhausted and downhearted. The next summer is a year away. Hang on, only one thing raises your spirits...
You technically jump down the stairs and dig into your bowl, until...

Okay, from what I've seen ,this is how much most people eat.
Even Kellogg's say so! Why? This picture belongs to their website.
Let's see.... the serving size is 30g (or 3/4 cup)
No pictures anywhere, but I can tell you it's very small compared to that huge bowl you see above.
Here is 30g of other cereal brands;
Okay, to be honest, this looks a bit bigger (but not too much) than what I would eat on a regular morning.
However, the person who owns the picture says the usually eat around this much;
A similar amount to that shown in most commercials! I assume that the owner of that picture isn't the only one who eats that amount.
Curiously Cinnamon.
I like those little guys, but haven't had them for a while O_o
This is meant to be 30g, which looks roughly the same, maybe just a bit bigger than what I would eat.
However, most people eat about 2-4 times that size, then again...
Try weighing out your cereal, and see for yourself the serving sizes set by the companies!
Ha, not enough to stop me eating more than 30g of cornflakes though :P

Umm, what a tiring day! Thank Panda there's a Tesco right around the corner...
You grab a 50cl bottle of cola and gleefully sip it- great reward after such a long day, right? 
Though not all at once, this seems like the serving size... right? I mean, it's one bottle, so...
Coca Cola expect you to know where half of the bottle is as a serving is 250ml, and let's be honest- drinking is easy. You can easily drink 400ml without even noticing.
Prepared Macaroni and Cheese
How much do you eat in a serving? The whole bag, perhaps? Nah, Kraft doesn't doubt your amazing visualising abilities as they expect you to know how much 1/3 of a bag is exactly!
Yup, Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.
You ate the whole package?
Kraft says you're a greedy pig because it's 3 servings.
Ignore them! :O

Yup, tiny serving sizes. See you all tomorrow, don't forget there might not be a post on Friday! 
-Queen Pickle

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