Friday, 27 June 2014

I have been discharged

Greetings, my friend
Some of my keyboard keys aren't working and it takes effort to get them on my screen
Therefore, I apologise for the awful quality of this post, and possibly a few future ones
Anyway, I have been discharged from hospital on Wednesday
However, I am still not completely well, as I was in hospital so they can make a diagnosis and figure out the treatment
I can take the treatment at home, as long as they monitor me and ensure everything is fine
On to the juicy bit, probably what you have all been waiting for

My diagnosis
It's autoimmune hepatitis- when my immune system over-reacts and attacks my own body 
Auto-immune hepatitis HAS got treatment, but I will most likely be stuck with it for the rest of my life
If I look on the bright side though- at least it's not cancer or an undiscovered disease with no treatment
Yes, autoimmune hepatitis is rare, but it has treatment

Steroids and another bunch of medications
Okay, so I HAVE posted before that I have autoimmune hepatitis
I can take the treatment at home as long as I am monitored, I also have a blood test on Monday
I am taking 5 different medicines- here they are with a tiny little review
I wish my keyboard just worked!
  1. Vitamin K- I was also given this in hospital through a cannula already as my blood isn't clotting properly, meaning I couldn't have a liver biopsy either- I will have one, but not just yet; amongst all those pills I'm taking,I'm unsure which one is the Vitamin K
  2. Calcium and Vitamin D- Since steroids can make my bones more fragile and prone to damage, I have been also given Calcium and Vitamin D to help overcome this- it's a lemon flavoured medicine I need to dissolve in water and if I don't drink it fast enough, well- it goes all chalky and gets stuck in my throat- EEW
  3. Stomach-protecting pill- It simply protects my stomach from the steroids, and I find this one so boring I'm not bothered to post any more about it
  4. Multi-vitamin- This is probably to just keep me healthy overall, with pretty much every single Vitamin in there; I checked Even all the B-Vitamins are in there! You can't compete with THAT
  5. Steroids- nasty side-effects as I am currently on a high dose and it can take a while to get to a tiny dose This means I can experience things such as;-
  • Slow growth- I'm tall, so I don't mind too much- for now, anyway
  • Bone weakness- YAY is that my PE exit ticket?
  • Bad mood- Excellent! Just what I need -o-
  • Appetite- I shall gain weight like see if I care
  • A bunch of other stuff that I don't even like
Today's post will be short, but I will try to return to regular posting schedule as soon as I can
What does this mean for me?
This probably signifies the start of my Summer
My baby sister is getting baptised tomorrow- I hope to devote tomorrow's entire post to food, celebration and showing you pictures of yummy cake so you all get hungry
Au revoir, merci beaucoup pour regarde mon Blog 
Désolé pour ma Français

Geez, it' shiny

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