Tuesday, 24 June 2014

The mystery has been solved!

Here is what happened over the last couple of days- you might want to grab some soda and popcorn.
Now, on Saturday, wasn't really that eventful, and nor was Sunday. Well, except for the fact I finally had an opportunity to give death stares to smokers and experience the fresh air again as my parents were able to take me out for a while. First, we went to the nearby park to sit down and I had a bagel. All the time, I was suspiciously glaring around for dogs. Especially those crazy ones that run around without leads...
Anyway, we then went to look for a café. Eventually, we settled at a Nandos, despite my arguments regarding HOW DARN SPICY THEIR FOOD IS AND HOW THEY DON'T SELL PANCAKES. So, I didn't order a Main Meal because I would be too full for dinner, but I did order some Toffee ice cream. Ha. I examined the tub and then only thought of one thing:- RIP-OFF O-o
Not only did it have a raised base, but it was TINY. IN A TUB. Guess what? It was so darn expensive. Anyway, I saw a pretty funky bus and apart from the lady with attitude who was smoking, it was rather nice. I missed ordering supper, but the nurse looking after me happened to save me by letting me order. Can't say yesterday was too exciting. Did you know they gave me IV medication for OVER AN HOUR? At least I was asleep, but I swear it was long time I was connected to that thing. Now, for today! I had decent sleep, yup. Mhm. I ate breakfast- cornflakes, my dad came to visit,ordered lunch, got something I didn't really want, my mum visited and ate the lunch and made some lunch for me- a bagel, random cereal and a croissant. Then, I have finally RECEIVED MY DIAGNOSIS!

I have Autoimmune Liver Disease, which means my immune system decided to attack my own body. This caused inflammation and a bunch of other stuff, resulting in a bunch of health problems. This could run in the family, and although Autoimmune Liver Disease is rare, it can be treated. Woo! HOW? I hear you ask. Well, this is usually treated with steroids. No, not the ones illegally used by athletes to look like, well, this;-

Steroids that help suppress my immune system. This also comes in with regular blood tests and monitoring. The steroids also come with many side effects, like;-

  • Increased risk of infection, meaning I will have to stay off school for a while. A consultant told me I may not go back this term, but it depends.
  • Behaviour changes and more aggression.
  • Increased appetite
  • Higher blood pressure
So, I do not want to go to school as a hungry, aggressive monster. They are starting with a high dose, and then they will go down which will take a few weeks. It's not favourable, but it's for my health!
Anyway, it's REALLY hard to decide on Supper here
Today, I had fish and chips with chocolate ice cream.
What should I have tomorrow?
I will post tomorrow to help you decide, but for now, GOODBYE!
-Queen Pickle

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