Wednesday, 2 July 2014

5-a-day week 2014

We have all seen it- dieticians, doctors, schools and governments show strong support for increased consumption of fruit and vegetables. We are constantly exposed to this encouragement- eat at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day. Why? Statistics revealed that obesity, heart disease,diabetes and many more degenerative diseases are on the rise, and they are at an extremely high level. Many scientists blame our food for this-they claim that the chemicals in our food and our lack of nutrients are causing us to live shorter, more miserable lives. Fruit juices and fruit products here in the UK have a label to show they are one of your 5-a-day, further showing the strong encouragement for us to eat more. However, this rise in such diseases could be caused by the fact many foods we now consume regularly are not very nutrient-dense, such as candy. This means we lack those nutrients, and therefore, we are more likely to catch such diseases. This is why 5-a-day week has been started- next week, you can look forward to meal ideas daily that sneak in fruit and vegetables- then you can see the positive difference.
Remember to enjoy your favourite foods, though, as you only have this opportunity to enjoy it. Nothing lasts forever, does it now?

Coming on Monday,7 July 2014 you can check back daily for the whole week to find ways to consume more fruit and vegetables.

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