I have decided to finish off 5-a-day week 2014 today, meaning you can now expect normal posting today (at last!)
I am going to dedicate today's post to a bit of news...
What I know is that we aim to leave on the 22nd of August, which does sound like ages away but time really does fly.
The reason I'm going is because I'm attending a wedding, and I'm going to the country I came from :D
I haven't been there since about 2010-ish.
Anyway, we're going by car (and also ferry because we need to cross the sea) and it will be a rather long journey, but I'm excited nevertheless.
I hope I will be able to post, but the time until the vacation already is going very quickly meaning that planning has to start now- it's good to have everything ready in advance.
Here is my check-list of things I need to do before we go;
- Complete back-to-school shopping for September.
- Pack your suitcase well.
- Have your travel bag ready (for the car and ferry)
- Do research on ferry companies.
- Be prepared for school for September.
- Clear out Kindle Fire and download good apps.
- Download some good apps on my phone
- Goal: go to the beach at least once!
This means I need to get all school business sorted too, and I may have missed out some things I need to do on the check-list.
As I progress through the check-list, I will let you know how I'm doing and perhaps share a tip or two.
My posts ought to be quite interesting leading up to when I leave, because posting daily kills time AND I will have a lot to post about. Not only will I post about all sorts of awesome Summer topics, but also things related to my check-list. I hope to go to the beach at least once, so that's something to look forward to, perhaps.
My steroid dose is down to 30mg now (remember I started with 60mg) and I will be able to return to school once it is down to 20mg. I finish school next Friday anyway, but if everything continues at the rate it is now then I might be able to return for the last day only- I have textbooks, a library book and a locker to clean out anyway so it would be quite useful if I could :P
My PE bag is still in my locker, and I think I'm switching form rooms next year too.
Alright, bye bye!
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