Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The beach

On Sunday, I finally visited the beach. I have a feeling we won't visit the beach again this summer because the 22nd is coming closer (check out the new countdown!) and we are going to get more busy, especially since we still need to do some shopping and our ferry isn't booked yet. Anyway, it was a fun day- except from waking up, of course.
We all woke up early in the morning, it was 7-8ish. I felt rather tired, but had some breakfast and quickly did a tiny bit of last-minute packing (you know, unplugging devices and packing food).
The journey was a bit boring to be honest, I looked out the window and got myself some fruit salad. We stopped by a car boot sale, where my sister got fries, my dad got a hot dog and I was just eyeing that food like O_O'
However, I saw a  loom kit for £13! I bought it, since it is rather good and for quite a reasonable price. It was a little cheaper than its eBay counterparts I was looking at the day before, which ranged from £14-17.
The loom kit isn't from the 'Rainbow Loom' company since I wasn't able to find that, but it's called 'Colourful Rubber Band DIY Luxury Kit Set'. It contains;

  • 6,000 bands in a wide range of colours, including a few double-coloured bands
  • S-clips (I'm giving up on finding c-clips; I suppose s-clips are better)
  • A hook tool (I have another one but I think I need a stronger hook- the one that came with the kit is plastic and I think I was being a bit harsh on it lately)
  • Mini Loom, came with the hook
  • A loom board- very good and even though it differs a little bit from the Rainbow Loom, it's still very good.
  • 6 charms though I'm not sure how to use them just yet.
Overall, the kit itself is very good. It's my fault some of the bands broke when I was making a panda- it was my first attempt of a charm and wasn't a beginner charm. Because it was my first ever charm, I looped a lot of the wrong bands which caused them to snap right off. They didn't fly off the loom though! Plus, I never used a loom before, so it's all my fault.
The kit I got had a broken peg on the loom- this has not affected me yet but I am going to use a very strong glue to glue it back on- it should stay.

Anyway, we continued our journey and finally got there! We laid out our stuff quite far from the sea, we had blankets and a beach shelter. We went to the toilet, and then we explored the beach. Here's some pretty fun stuff we did on the day!

  • The sea- I couldn't swim in the sea because of my liver :( However, at least I still got to paddle a bit which was quite fun ^-^ The sea was warm, but the seaweed was problematic. Eww. My sister had a lot of fun splashing around everywhere, but eventually I got bored :P 
  • Shells- I collected a lot of shells and it was quite fun looking for them! Some of them were very big, some were pretty, and some were common but if I add a splash of colour and decorate them a bit then they will look a bit better ^o^
  • Grill- We got a portable barbecue en route and then had some sausages on the beach. We then had some of my mum' homemade apple cake, and the whole meal was quite nice. 
  • Ice cream- Of course, we all ordered some ice cream to cool off a little. Yum ^-^
I also wrote random messages in the sand, because I'm awesome like that.
Overall, it was a great experience! I look forward to my next beach visit, even if that is next year.
By the way, yesterday I visited an art store called 'Hobby craft' and I LOVE THAT PLACE! :D
I managed to walk out with a sequin art set (in progress), a 3D wood puzzle of an owl (next in line after the sequin art), two packs of those plastic eyes, some stickers and pom poms. A few things that are pretty much essentials.
Bye bye and see you all tomorrow ^-^
-Queen Pickle

1 comment:

  1. Now you're a pickle queen here?

    Sorry! I didn't know you were in London!

    Agreed! S-clips rather than C-clips.


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