Saturday, 5 July 2014

Stay hydrated this summer!

Summer is a time when it is easier than ever to get dehydrated- the weather's right for vigorous physical activity and because of the heat, you lose more water by sweating. Therefore, I feel the need to share some tips so you do not become dehydrated this summer, which can really be problematic!
Dehydration can make you tired,sluggish and confused, so here are my top tips for avoiding that trap. Dehydration of doom.

  • ALWAYS carry a bottle of water with you to top up your water intake. Every time I go out for a short walk or shopping trip, I take a 33cl bottle of water with me. Many popular water brands sell bottles in small 33cl versions, medium 50cl versions, bigger 75cl versions, 1l versions and so forth... you need to know what you will need! If you are going to the beach, take more than one bottle of water with you.
  • DRINK FIRST THING  when you wake up, reach for a bottle of water and take a few sips. Since it has most likely been a while since you last had something to drink, make sure you drink some water to top your water supply up. It doesn't have to be an entire bottle- it can just be a few sips.
  • MAKE SURE  there is at least one water bottle at your bedside in case you need to drink at night. Also, it is much easier to drink as soon as you wake up that way.
  • DRINK WITH EVERY MEAL as a general rule, I drink at least 1 glass of fluid with every meal. The most obvious and healthiest choice is water, but don't forget you can also drink fruit juice, milk and flavoured water. Drinking with every meal keeps you very well hydrated!
  • EAT TO HYDRATE it's not just fluids, some foods can be very high in water content, too! When you are feeling hungry, perhaps consider incorporating a hydrating food. Foods such as watermelon and cucumber are high in water, but so are blueberries, strawberries, raspberries,peaches,pineapples,pears,carrots,broccoli,grapes,celery and many more! So, next time you eat a bag of crisps as a snack, try pairing it with a slice of watermelon and you're ready to go. You might find it helpful to have a handy box of blueberries of grapes too the next time you go out this summer!

Yes, water can get boring indeed. However, there is also milk and fruit juice, and you can flavour your water too! Try spicing up your water, and I will give you some ideas soon this summer.

Remember, 5-a-day week 2014 starts on Monday!

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